Ariadne - Technical description
1. DescriptionPenalty points for a run can be entered in three ways: as penalty points run-total; as penalty points per gate, and as penalty point per gate per gate-section. This entry mode is a competition setting, and is set with the T100!Default-penalty-entry parameter. (The parameter can be set on the competition setting screen). 2. Access path
3. Form selection depending of T100!default-penalty-entry settingDepending on the value of T100!Default-penalty-entry the form F520-Penalty-points-entry (penalty entry per gate or run total) or the form F516-Penalty-points-per-gate-section (penalty entry per gate per gate section). (At the first entry method (F520) first all penalty points are collected, and then entered in the penalty PC. With the second method (F516) the gate sections are directly queried by the entry person at the penalty PC).
4. Penalty entry per gate per gate section(F516-Penalty-entry-per-gate-section) Not implemented in Ariadne version 4.10 ( It was implemeted in versio 4.0, but not tested, and not operationally used. It needs a redesign.) 5. Penalty points entry per gateScreenshot F520-Penalty-points-entry The form F520 shows three subforms: 1) the runstatus of the last started competing units (with status started, finished, completed, DNF); 2) the list of competing units, for which penalty points are to be entered, and 3) a penalty point entry form for entering tje penalty points for a specific competing unit. The runstatus subform is frequently refreshed with the T100!refresh-rate-event-monitoring interval. Depending on the competition parameter setting of T100!Default-penalty-entry, the subform F524-Penalty-points-per-gate or the subform F526-Penalty-points-total is loaded. Remark: From the use of the penalty entry form at the GM2002 competition, the request is issued to refresh more frequently the runstatus screen (e.g. more frequently than once per minute. If possible, the runstatus screen should be refreshed after every start-event. (but not restricted to unly start-events.) Remark: For the runstatus subscreen from table T510 snapshot-query is made. This gives no problem of record locking on T510-Run. With the entering of penalty points, the runstatus of the T510-Run record is updated. This is done with a SQL update query. At writing a short record locking of T510 takes place. This can interfere with the processing of a finish run-event. To prevent this from happening, it is recommendated not to enter penalty points for runs with status 'started'. Function structure
5.1 Run statusThe subform F522-Runstatus gives an overview of the most recent runs of competing units. It is possible to browse for earlier runs. For a run, you can switch to the penalty points peer gate assignement.
5.2 Runs to be judgedThe subform Runs-to-be-judged shows the competing unit runs which are finished, but for which the penalty points have not been entered yet. By clicking a run to be judged, the penalty entry form for this run opens. After when penalty points are entered for this run, that run disappears from the subform.
5.3 Entering penalty pointsThe subform F523-Penalty-point-entry-sub shows data about the competing unit, and loads the subform Penalty-point-total or Penalty-points-per-gate depending on the value of T100!default-penalty-entry.
*) Afhankelijk van de evenementparameter T100![default-penalty-entry]
wordt geladen: 5.3.1 Entering penalty points totalEntering penalty points as total for a run.
(This subform is also used in F525-Penalty-points.) 1) At saving the penalty points for a run the run-status is detemined according to the table below:
2) At capsizing / exiting of a run the runstatus is set to 4 (DNF - did not finish), the elpased time is set to null and the eventual T530 record is deleted. After actualizing the runstatus, the subforms F521-Runs-to-be-judged
and F522-Runstatus are refreshed. This makes the total of enterend penalty
points appear in F522-Runstatus, and the run is deleted from the list
in F521-Runs-to-be-judged. (300702) When total penalty points are saved, the points per gate are resetted to 0. This to prevent a double penalty points count, when for this run at first penalty points per gate were entered. 5.3.2 Entering penalty points per gateEntering penalty points per gate, after being collected from the gate sections via a collection form. The table T530-Gate-negotiation contains 25 gates and a T-gate. On loading F524, only the gates are made visible which have a record in T120-Gate. The button ButtonCapsized is made invisible on the F524 form in Ariadne-penalty. The Capsized / Did not Finish (DNF) status can only be entered via Ariadne-main, or via run-event processing (run-event =4 : 'DNF').
(This subform is also used in F525-Penalty-points.) 1) At saving the penalty points for a run the run-status is detemined according to the table below:
2) With capsizing or not finishing of a competing unit, the runstatus is set to 4 (DNF - did not finish), the elapsed time is set to null and the eventual T530 record is deleted. After actualizing the runstatus, the subforms F521-Runs-to-be-judged
and F522-Runstatus are refreshed. This makes the total of enterend penalty
points appear in F522-Runstatus, and the run is deleted from the list
in F521-Runs-to-be-judged. (300702) When total penalty points are saved, the points per gate are resetted to 0. This to prevent a double penalty points count, when for this run at first penalty points per gate were entered. 5.4 Penalty points display & entryIn this form, when started from F520, penalty points can be displayed, when started form F510, penalty points can be changed.
Change history