Ariadne - Technical description
DescriptionA605 is designed to record group starts for marathon. Timing inputs can be received from the system time of the PC where Ariadne is running, from Timy or via manual input from timing by stopwatch. Access path
Function structureStart events received via the PC timeclock or via the Timy timeclock are stored in table T650-Timing-event and displayed in F654. Valid start events can be given a name, invalid start event can be disqualified. Valid starts are displayed in the subform F607. A facility is provided to generate a start event via the PC timeclock (Button Start), and a facility is provided to receive start events from the Timy clock via the USB. And a facility is provided to enter manually a start event, read from a stopwatch. The start event times are recorded in hh:mm:ss,ms format. With each start a indicator can be set wheter or not an offset time must be added to the start time. For the Timy facility to work, the dll usbiocom.dll , that comes with Timy, must be installed. When the Timy communication is on, a running time that is updated every 0,1 second is received from Timy and displayed in the Running time textbox. When a Timing event is received from Timy, this is displayed in the timing event textbox, and stored to T650, and becomes present in the F654 sub to be processed.
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