Ariadne - Technical description
IntroductionViking Venlo Downriver race has a special team race. With this race it is not the point which team is the fastest, but which team improves most the individual results of the team members. To participate in a team the team members must have an individual run result. On basis of this result the participants are ranked, and assigned to a team on a 3 to 3 basis. Next the team does a team run. The team improvement is calculated from the team run result and the individual run result. The Ariadne A380 function assigns teams on basis of the individual race results. The table below specifies the requirements for the function, and how this in implemented in Ariadne:
Access path
Function structure
*) Execute team composition:
F384-Ranking-team-compsition shows the ranking of the individual participants for the team race, specified in F380.RaceSelect
Change history