Ariadne - Help pages
With this form you can control the production of entry fee invoices. The form shows the mail instructions per kayak club for the entry fee invoice.The mail instruction specifies which document (in case here the invoice) is to be send to which contact person, to which address and in which mail mode (post, email). If the fields mail mode and mail destination are empty for a kayak club , there is no mail instruction for invoices for that kayak club. No invoice will be produced for this kayak club, even if it has entries. You can add or modify the mail instruction by clicking the button 'Setup mail instruction'. If a kayak club shows two lines, it has two mail instructions for entry fee invoices. In this case two invoices will be produced for the same entries. In order to produce one and just one invoice per kayak club be sure that the kayak club has one and only one mail instruction for the entry fee invoice. At the bottom of he form you can connect to the A355 form (Set Entry Fees per Event) , on which you can set the entry fee amounts per event. Before producing the invoices, make first the checklist for the invoices. This gives you the overview whether the settings are complete. At the end you can produce the invoices. You can print them to paper. It is recommended to export the entry fee invoices to MS Word, in order to save a copy of the invoices. If you need to make a change to an invoice (because of reclamation by
a club, or because some mistake was made), you can produce an invoice
anew. Uncheck the checkbox 'Invoice send', and click the button 'Generate
Invoices'. Only the invoice for the kayak club with the invoice-send check
box unchecked is produced.
Change history